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Notel, Unitel, Multitel study  


  • What effects, if any, does TV have on viewers' attitudes and behavior? Does it affect their reading skills, creativity, vocabulary, aggressive behavior, genderrole attitudes, participation in other leisure activities, or use of other media? The Notel, Unitel, Multitel study offered an unusual opportunity in the form of a natural experiment that enabled researchers to avoid a major “chicken and egg” problem faced by researchers in examining such questions: how to determine whether viewers are affected by TV in the areas of interest, whether viewers who differ on these dimensions use TV differently, or whether both influences occur in a transactional relationship. This problem prompted the U.S. Surgeon-General's Commission to lament in 1972 that it was no longer possible to do a before-and-after TV study in a North American community because by then, virtually all communities had television access. [Source: Encyclopedia of Children, Adolescents, and the Media; Notel, Unitel, Multitel Study]

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